Primary Conversion
As you may be aware, there have been discussions for several years within Central Bedfordshire regarding the current three-tier education system. Currently, children transition from Lower school to Middle school education at the age of 9 years old. There has long been a growing support for a two-tier education system. This would mean that children would transition at the age of 11 from a Primary school to a Secondary school.
Caldecote Church of England Academy and the Diocese of St Albans Multi Academy Trust (DSAMAT) are very supportive of the move towards a two-tier education system. We will be working with our community to establish their needs, and developing a plan to consider providing primary education for our pupils.
In order to achieve this the following criteria must be met:
- Formal agreement with the Diocese of St Albans and Central Bedfordshire Council
- Proposals must go out to public consultation
- Potential school expansion work
- Appointment of a new classroom teacher for Upper Key Stage 2
We will keep our community involved and updated throughout this process.
Click here for the Schools for the Future in the Biggleswade area website.