Pupil Leadership
Pupil Leadership Roles and Roles of Responsibility
The school works conscientiously to promote an excellent range of leadership opportunities from the traditional role of school parliamentarian to more recent opportunities such as Eco Council, Library Monitor and Playground Leader. Some of these posts promote the notions of democracy and require prospective candidates to appeal to their peers for votes while others follow the principles of recruitment in the workplace. The latter requires pupils to respond to job descriptions, write letters of application and, in some cases, attend an interview. There are then posts that expect a pupil to meet a specific standard before being awarded the post. Roles on the school parliament, ethos committee and playground leader often conduct annual questionnaires to collect children’s views and habits across areas such as personal safety & behaviour, bullying and e-safety. The outcomes of these services are uploaded to our school website and presented to pupils, staff & governors through termly assemblies and Headteacher reports.
Head Boy & Head Girl
These roles require pupils to respond to a job description and person specification, writing and letter of application to the Headteacher. Letters are then short listed and successful candidates are interviewed by the senior leadership team in a formal setting. These two roles in particular have a very high status within the school with the Head Boy and Head Girl supporting the Headteacher each week in the celebration assembly. Part of their role will be to join the Headteacher when offering tours of the school to prospective parents and visitors.
School Parliament
School parliamentarians are elected by their peers at the start of each academic year. They meet every fortnight to look at aspects of the school including which charities the school will support each term, developing anti-bullying practices throughout the school and working alongside other school councils within the Multi Academy Trust. Children from Reception to Year 4 are elected to be on the school council with additional pupils from Y3 and Y4 elected to certain roles.
Library Monitor
Library Monitors are responsible for ensuring that the library is kept tidy and that books are correctly placed on appropriate shelves. They are also responsible for ensuring that books are correctly signed out and returned promptly.
Playground Leaders
Playground Leaders are responsible for organising equipment to be available during lunchtimes. They are expected to ensure that equipment is collected back in and stored neatly in the storage shed. Playground Leaders will also be responsible for organising small games and activities in the Spring and Summer months following training through the School Sports Partnership.