At Caldecote CE Academy, we teach Science as a discrete subject, which offers our children the opportunity to explore, investigate and experience the world around them. All children are provided with opportunities to develop their Disciplinary knowledge (Knowledge of how scientific knowledge is generated and grows) and Substantive knowledge (knowledge of the products of Science, such as concepts, laws, theories and models.) through well planned and engaging lessons, using Curriculum Maestro as the starting point for planning.
Our children are inquisitive, curious and flourish in practical activities. Through a well planned, sequential curriculum our children are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary and phenomena, which involve asking questions, testing ideas and drawing conclusions.
We encourage all of our children to
- Develop Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding
- Develop an understanding of nature, processes and methods of Science through different Scientific enquiries that help them answer scientific questions about the world around them.
- Are equipped with the Scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.
At Caldecote, we use the Curriculum Maestro to plan, sequence and develop scientific knowledge.
Vocabulary is progressive and learning is assessed through quizzes and simple assessments designed to support teachers when determining children's progress and identifying misconceptions or next steps.
Teachers create a positive attitude to Science and create opportunities for children to be exposed to high quality vocabulary and well planned and sequenced lessons.
Science at Caldecote is usually taught as a standalone subject. Sometimes the units link especially well to our topics, so teachers will create links to History / Geography etc. for example, electricity and the link to inventors and inventions.
Each unit begins with discussion to determine children's knowledge / prior learning. This then contributes to planning to provide opportunities for over learning and retrieval. Key vocabulary is built upon and extended and then used through out the unit lessons.
Throughout lessons teachers use a range of questions, quizzes and activities to revisit learning and assess children's progress. Lessons are planned to be progressive and sequential to support children to build their skill and knowledge of different areas.
Teachers demonstrate how to use Scientific Equipment and how to investigate using skills linked to 'Working Scientifically'. Outside spaces and the natural environment are used where possible to enhance to curriculum and within the key areas of 'growing'.
We make good use of websites such as 'Explorify' which has a broad range of activities, videos and ideas to deepen thinking and act as a stimulus for discussion / investigation. We also make use of trips and visits to enhance the curriculum, for example Shuttleworth for local inventors and the Rock Pool Project to undertake a virtual rock pool investigation.
The provision at Caldecote engages children and helps them to enjoy Science. They are interested in finding things out and engage in exploring and investigating with a sense of curiosity. Our children engage with the natural world and learn about a broad range of scientific skills, knowledge and phenomena.
Pupil voice, book looks and learning walks indicate that children are motivated in science.
Children at Caldecote enjoy Science and want to know how and why things happen.