Pupil Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium is government funding which schools can access to support particular individual children with their education. In 2023 Pupil Premium allocations are £1455 per eligible child as long as the pupil is entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) and we must spend this funding on that child. Additional funding is available for service children, looked after children and children adopted from care.
Our aim is to fully maximise this opportunity and make sure each eligible child has this extra funding and that it is used to make a difference to their progress. The school has decided that it would be best to support the child from two angles; academic support and social support. We will do this by investing the majority of the pupil premium into direct learning support such as one to one tutoring or small group tutoring, however we understand that children could also benefit from support with non-teaching activities such as help with uniform costs, breakfast clubs and school trips. Therefore, parents may choose how best to spend a parental portion of the funding. For example some parents would like to spend it on music lessons whilst others may prefer to use it for uniform and school shoes. Let us reassure you that all this is treated confidentially in school.
Do you claim one of these benefits?
- Income support
- Employment & Support Allowance—Income related only
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (Not Contribution Based JSA)
- Child Tax Credit only (with a combined family income of less than £16,190 per annum as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs)
- National Asylum Seekers Support (NASS)
- Guaranteed Element of Pension Tax Credit.
If so, you could be entitled to some additional support which we can use with you to help your child to do their best at school. Please click on the link below for further information.
Please note anyone receiving Working Tax Credits, regardless of Income, will NOT qualify for Pupil Premium.
Once your application has been approved by the council, the school will be informed and we will send you a letter to confirm how the Pupil Premium funding works and how you can choose to spend the parental portion of the funding.