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Caldecote CE Academy

Christian, Achieve, Respect, Inclusive, Nurturing, Growth

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Provision for Special Educational Needs

A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:  has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.


The SENDCo at Caldecote CE Academy is Mrs Lesley Hulbert.  She can be contacted through the school office email.


Code of Practice (July 2014)

Caldecote CE Academy is committed to ensuring we consistently maximise and improve outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) in line with the latest guidance for delivering excellence within the 0-25 SEND Code of Practice.


Our school will aim to enable all children with SEND to achieve their potential through high quality teaching and provision that is differentiated and personalised to meet each individual’s needs.

We will work closely with and seek support from other agencies where necessary in order to maximise learning potential e.g. Speech and Language service, Occupational Therapy Service, local authority services e.g. educational psychologists, Jigsaw, complex needs service.


Our SENDCo., Mrs Lesley Hulbert has accreditation with the NASCO (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination). She is responsible for reviewing and helping identify children who have any additional needs. She is also the contact point offering support and advice for parents or carers. When children have been identified as having an additional need they may be referred to external agencies as appropriate for advice and support. This advice will then form part of an individual support plan where necessary. Parents/carers and children are always included in formulating and reviewing any plans that are put in place. We will keep you updated regularly on any progress towards referrals or assessments. 

SEND support includes any help for children/ young people with SEND that is additional to or different from the support generally made for other children of the same age. The purpose of SEND support is to help children/young people achieve the outcomes or learning objectives that have been set for them by the school. SEND support replaces Early Years Action/Action Plus and School Action/Action Plus.

If there is a need to offer SEND support to your child, we will add their name to our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities register, we will inform you and discuss this with you first and we will ask your permission before their name is added.


We offer a family support worker to work within the family home offering flexible tailored support to meet individual family’s needs. We are also able to offer support for social and emotional and well being. Children who are showing signs of difficulty in this area are referred by their class teacher or the SENDCo and receive either one to one or small group sessions with our trained well being mentor, based on their area of need, often through Forest School activities. Our SENDCo also has Mental Health First Aid Training.

We will also refer children whose mental or emotional health we are concerned about to other agencies such as CAMHs, CHUMS or the School Nursing Service.


We are fortunate to have excellent Teaching Assistant provision who provide specialist and subject support as well as individual support for those with a high level of need.


Our school is aware of the access needs of disabled children, staff and parents/carers. The school wishes to provide access to its buildings, facilities and curriculum for all those who wish to access them irrespective of physical ability. We are therefore committed to providing access within the limitations of the physical structure of the buildings and other resources.


We will endeavour to make improvements wherever and whenever we can. The Governing body and Headteacher will make provision where possible, to meet the needs of individual children and adults. As a school, we are committed to improving access to the disabled and will continue to do so as we make alterations to the school buildings or decorate internally.

Please visit the following website to find a glossary of SEND terms to help you understand some of the jargon you may hear if you have a  child with Special Educational needs and/or disabilities and you are working with agencies.

Do you need support to help you cope with the everyday demands of looking after a child with SEND or could you offer support yourself to a family who are struggling and would benefit from some additional friendly support?  Please look at the leaflets for further information.

If you feel that your child may need support or you are unsure how to help them you can contact the Children's Community Health Hub where you can access services that can advise and support you. These include Paediatrics service and Speech and Language services. They can  also help you with behaviour, sleep, toileting issues and other problems.

This is your one stop contact point.


Give them a call on   0300 555 0606

or visit the website :

Children's Community Health Hub services

Here is another website for valuable information and support for families

Are you or anyone in family caring for someone. You might be, but not know it.

Please follow the link to the website for young carers to see if you or anyone you know may qualify for support and advice from this organisation.


Here are some websites that you might find useful for support and advice.